Let me TRY to recall what has happened since our last post.

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Cache 2 |
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Cache 1 |
So far, we have found eight caches... and two days ago we even placed our own! Unfortunately, Kelly learned that our cache was too close to another one in the area. The rules are that it has to be 0.10 miles (528ft) away from another and ours was too close. Last night we went out and relocated it.
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Cache 3 |
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Cache 4 |
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Cache 5 |
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Cache 6 |
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Cache 7 |
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Cache 8 |
Other good news!!!!!!!
We bought a dresser for Kelly from Ikea using a gift card we got as a wedding present. A family at camp gave us one of their old dressers so I am able to use that one. We also have a coffee table in our living room, courtesy of another staff family.
Kelly had a birthday!!! He turned 23 just this last Sunday. He was gone that whole weekend for his Lifeguard Training Certification (he can now train people to be lifeguards- how cool!?!) and came back Sunday evening - just in time for us to celebrate a bit of his birthday together. Since then, five (out of eight) pieces of twirly crepe paper have fallen off our ceiling, and Kel has successfully eaten all of his Chocolate Banana cupcakes (with cream-cheese/nutella frosting). Yum.
We were invited for dinner by two staff families in two weeks. Lasagna was this week... steak was last week. Yum.
Our new bookshelf |
A new staff family came today all the way from Idaho! Dan Gunderson and his wife (I forgot her name) and their 2yr old son, Laef, will be our new neighbors. Dan will be working in the maintenance department here at camp. Our old neighbors, Nathaniel, Kiersten and their 18mo. old, Caleb, moved into a house on the other side of camp. The maintenance dept. is working on renovating the Gunderson's new home, so the family is staying in a camp cabin for about two weeks.
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Kelly testing out the sling lines he made |
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Newly painted brake platform |
The picture to the right is our brake platform for the zip-line. It is located at the end of the zip. When the zip-line is in use, a staff member is designated to this spot to help the participant make a complete stop as they near the end of the cable. The staff member also helps them get off the course safely. Last week, Kelly and the intern painted the platform! Prior to the brown being there, the platform had gross green paint that was chipping everywhere and part of the deck had been stained. This looks much nicer! :)
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Testing out the water |
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Cutting some Manzanita |
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Caleb and the doggy |
One staff family had a bunch of us over for dinner on Saint Patrick's Day. Kelly taught our little friend Caleb how to lay down on a dog. It was the cutest thing to watch!
Here is a list of some other things Kelly has taught (or tried to teach) Caleb: How to... 1) Steer a golf cart. 2) Turn on the golf cart's lights. 3) Open the screen door of his house by pushing the button with one hand and pulling the handle with the other. 4) Play "swords" with sticks. 5) Scrape off the white filling off the Oreo cookie using his teeth. 6) Dance on bubble wrap to make the popping noise.
Here is a list of some other things Kelly has taught (or tried to teach) Caleb: How to... 1) Steer a golf cart. 2) Turn on the golf cart's lights. 3) Open the screen door of his house by pushing the button with one hand and pulling the handle with the other. 4) Play "swords" with sticks. 5) Scrape off the white filling off the Oreo cookie using his teeth. 6) Dance on bubble wrap to make the popping noise.
Just looking for a cache! |
Prayer requests:
-Continue to pray as we search for a church.
-Part of my right eye is quite red. It hurts occasionally throughout the day, mostly in the early mornings or later in the evening. Kelly says that part of it looks raised/there is a small bump, so I might have a scratch or something. I've been wearing my glasses (instead of contacts) for three days now. We have been putting re-wetting drops in my eye, but they don't help much.
-Our friend Kiersten is due to have a baby any day now. She could have her little girl any time within the next few weeks. Pray for a safe delivery and a healthy baby. This will be Kiersten's second in-home birth here at camp.
We love you all so much and are so thankful for all of your love, prayers and support.
ReplyDeleteI typed out an entire email to you and Kelly and when I went to "publish" it, it disappeared. "Poof". The wonders of technology.
Ok, looks like you guys had a GREAT time geocaching in the national forest. The ocean looks awesome in pictures. Almost like the scenery we have around here in Jefferson!
Way to go learning how to use a chain saw. You've refurbished furniture now, too. Maybe you guys are going to build your own house/log cabin someday?
Congrat's to Kelly getting his Lifeguard certification! You've got that skill for life! You never know when this skill might come in handy in directly coming to aid folks. After getting my certification, I was a lifeguard at Peninsula State Park in Door County for two summers in 1976 & 77 B.C. I had to rush out of my beach cave and save two kids from drowning.
Haley - I'll call about your eye. I hope that it's better!
Praying for your new church, the place where you'll be able to freely worship and enjoy fellowship with other believers. It'll come -- be encouraged!
"He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." -Heb 11:6b
Think about you guys ALL THE TIME. Praying for you consistently.
Jesus loves you...and so does your mom and dad.
LOve, Dad
Haley --- you do such a great job of writing these updates. Kepp them coming, even if just me and your dad! Certainly helps us feel better connected. I can't help but marvel at you both being independent and how God is obviously orchestrating some wonderful things in your lives, so that you might grow closer to each other and closer to Christ. Always praying for you two and people at church and with my work (who know all about my kids) ask often about you both.
ReplyDeleteLove, Fil