What has happened since then? Obviously nothing!!!! Just kidding.
Here I am, ready to update you on the last (almost) two years. Only main points will be noted, as my memory is NOT that great. Plus I don't want to bore you with a bunch of random details. I'll just try and share the fun stuff!
I know I just said that only main points will be noted, but it is still very long!
Feel free to skip over the stuff you already know about; I'm just trying to cover all my bases here :)
Let's see . . .
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View from our tent. |
After training, we were able to take a few days of vacation in Yosemite!!
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Our poles bent during a windstorm We spent our last night in a hotel |
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View from sitting in a hot spring |
A few of our favorite parts of the trip were finding secret hot springs and going to Bodie, an old ghost town.
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Bodie, the historic ghost town |
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Geocaching on Obsidian Dome |
Christmas 2013 . . . Christmas in Vail, Colorado!
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1 yr. anniversary cake eating |
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Taking a break from snowshoeing |
An ambulance came to take me to a nearby hospital to check on baby Shawna. I was 21ish weeks pregnant. I think. I don't really remember. We were actually told that many babies in the womb do not survive rollover car accidents! Shawna was checked out and the doctor told me that she looked perfect! That was the hospital where it was revealed to us that our baby was a GIRL.
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Abbie, myself, Alissa at the ocean |
Fast forward . . . Spring/Summer 2014
Baby Shawna kept growing...
Kelly was still working as the Recreation Manager at camp...
I was still working in the coffee shop...
We had a mostly normal routine. Sunday's were church days. Monday's were Kelly/Haley hang out days.
Tuesday's through Saturday's were work days for Kelly. I worked in the coffee shop more and hung out with my friends, Jessie and Kiersten.
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Alissa, myself, Abbie at Pine Valley |
And then a few weeks later... SHAWNA WAS BORN!
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Family of three :) |
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Little baby Shawna |
I could write a whole blog post about this event, but this post is already getting pretty long so I'll make it short and sweet. Shawny was due May 21st and made her arrival May 27th.
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Kiersten and Shawna!!! |
Shawna means "God is gracious" and Jane means "Gift from God" or "God's gracious gift". We figured her name was fitting after the Lord had saved her from the car accident that past winter. She was and still is a healthy and beautiful baby girl. Kelly did an awesome job during the whole labor/delivery process, and didn't seem grossed out at all. Our friend Kiersten stayed with us the whole time an was a huge help and encouragement to us both.
More summer stuff . . .
Kelly had a great recreation summer staff team that helped run all of the recreation activities. They also worked on a few cool projects. Some of the bigger ones were making a cool hiking trail in the forest and building a GaGa ball pit (it's a game).
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Me and my mommy :) And Shawna :) |
A few weeks later, my mom was able to visit us and help take care of Shawna for a little while. That was also great! It was the first time my mom met Shawna. It was also the first time my mom and I had seen each other in a year and a half. We had so much fun together. She got to see where we lived and worked, and even finished painting the walls in our house!!
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Matt and Shawna were best friends! |
Shawna was a big hit at camp! All of the summer staff and full time staffed loved her so much. It was great to be in such a great community of people who love and support us. There were many families who cooked delicious meals for us when we got home from the hospital; it was such a blessing.
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Shawna visiting her daddy at work |
Kelly and I actually decided to leave Pine Valley soon after my mom left. Shawna was three months old at the time we moved. It was a difficult decision, but we ultimately decided that we wanted to be closer to family. We moved in with Kelly's parents in Littleton, CO. and started job hunting.
Christmas 2014 . . . Wisconsin
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Shawna and Uncle Brian | Shawna and Aunt Alyssa | Shawna, Aunt Shelly and Uncle Nathan |
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Shawna and Aunt Abbie and Uncle Walker | Shawna and Uncle Kyle | Shawna and Grandma Mosurinjohn |
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Back to Colorado . . . Finishing winter and starting spring . . .
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We love going to the park! |

out with him all day, and taking care of Shawna together. It has also been a blessing that Kelly's parents have been letting us live in their house with them. Plus, they love having Shawna here!
We have done some pretty fun things together too! Did you know that Chick-fil-A had free coffee for the whole month of February? THAT was yummy! We go to Costco often and eat free samples for fun. Shawna also likes to get out and have people smile at her and wave "Hi". There are a few parks nearby that we go to so Shawna can play on the swings, and where we can go on walks. We have been making some good friends at the church we attend and it has been great getting to know them better and hanging out with them. Our new friends have young children too, which is great because Shawna LOVES to play with other babies.
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Shawna loves spending time with Grandma Holden |
For those of you who have heard about our van having problems: We got it back a few days ago! We had the transmission fixed, then something else was going wrong when it was on a final test drive (don't ask me- I don't know much about cars), then they fixed that. So it's all better :)
For those of you who have heard about my cavity filling falling out: We were able to find a place that gave us a lower rate for dental procedures. I got a temporary filling put in so I can get a crown later. However, the temp. filling fell out that night. I got a new permanent filling put in the next morning for no extra cost.
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Kelly and Shawny |
Now we have some big news.
And because YOU made it to the end of this post, you get to know what it is!
KELLY GOT A JOB!!!!!!!!!
Kelly, baby Shawna, and I will be moving out to Big Bear, California.
Our trip starts Monday, April 13th and we plan to get there Wednesday, April 15th. Ya'll would have known earlier, but it has taken me FOREVER to write this blog! Blog writing takes a lot longer when there is a baby in the house. Shawna normally only takes one nap a day (yes, you can feel bad me) and the naps tend to mostly happen during trips to Costco, which is just a few minutes down the road. When Shawna is awake, she doesn't let me stay on the computer for long because she wants me to play with her. Oh well!
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Kelly's position is the Activities Supervisor at Pine Summit Christian Camp. The position will be much like what he did at Pine Valley.
We will not be living at the camp (like we did at Pine Valley), so we will rent a house near camp in the town of Big Bear. During the first month, we will be staying at the camp in an empty summer staff house so we can have time to figure out where we are going to live.
Between getting this job and having a place to stay for the month while we look for permanent housing, God has worked out so many of the details perfectly.
When we were first told that we would stay at the camp for a month, we were going to have to go to another building for laundry and to use a kitchen. The "separate laundry and kitchen" part made me a little stressed out because I was imagining trying to prepare meals for myself and Kelly, and do laundry, all while caring for Shawna. Obviously it could be done, but it still made me a little worried. Well, Kelly got a call from a staff member at Pine Summit a few days ago, and they told us that they decided to put us in housing WITH laundry and a kitchen! Yay!
We do not yet know much about the camp or the town of Big Bear, but will soon be learning more once we get there. That means I will HAVE to continue writing in our blog. :)
This next chapter in our lives is full of unknowns, but we are still very excited.
Although we have only been in Colorado for seven months, it was a good seven months. I am very glad that Shawna was able to spend so much time with her grandparents/Kelly's parents. They have loved watching her grow up! Plus, if we didn't come here, then we wouldn't have been able to spend six weeks in Wisconsin visiting my family and friends.
Thank you all so much for praying for us and supporting us through our journey thus far.
We would love your continued prayer:
- We are still packing for the move.
- Traveling such a long distance with Shawna will be interesting!
- Affordable housing (for us) in Big Bear is currently slim, but we are told there will be more options when it gets closer to summer. We are moving there without knowing where we will be living, so please pray that we will be able to find something for our family that we can afford.
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Here are some monthly pictures of Shawna. She has grown up so much! Time sure does fly by when you're having fun! It has been such an awesome experience having this little one in our lives. By no means has it been easy, but God has always been there for us to bring us through each trial - no matter how big or small.
I have been taking little notes of Shawna ever since she was born. Here are *some* notes I took:
The first month of Shawna's life -
Burps, belly button, yawn, involuntary smile, sneezes
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Day we took Shawna home from the hospital (left) One month old (right) |
Doesn't like:
Getting the hiccups, walking through sprinklers with daddy, mommy eating dairy products because it makes her tummy hurt, when her legs kick uncontrollably, people blowing in her face
"Talk"- aka. make noise
Grab and hold things in her hands
Push her feet against something stationary and scoot herself forward
Hold her head up for a little bit and turn it from side to side
Track certain things (fan on "baby speed") with her eyes
Bath- 6/25
Pee on mom and dad's bed during diaper change 6/26
Second month of Shawna's life -
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Two months |
Playing airplane on daddy's arm, looking out at the world, sucking her hand, watching ceiling fans spin
Doesn't like:
Being hungry, poopy diapers, pacifiers, needing to burp
Smile on purpose
Track more moving objects with her eyes
Make more noises
Shed tears while crying
Start to coordinate arms and hands to hit/grab things
Stick out her pointer finger
Pee on couch
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Three months |
Third month of Shawna's life -
To smile, talk, watch her toys go back and forth in front of her face, take baths, and stick out her tongue
Doesn't like:
Missing her naps, car rides
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Four months |
Fourth month of Shawna's life -
To watch mommy yawn, suck her fingers, put everything in her mouth, rub her feet together, kisses on her face, splashing her feet during bath time, mirrors, touching peoples faces, dixie cups
Doesn't like:
Mommy being out of sight
Real giggles
Roll from back to tummy 10/8
Learning how to scooch and play peek-a-boo, sucks bottom lip, better at grabbing things, can roll from back to side, rubs eyes when tired
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Five months |
Fifth month of Shawna's life -
To stand against furniture
Snow 11/10
Diaper rash 11/11
Thanksgiving 11/27
Learning how to make spit bubbles with her mouth, can now sit up better
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Six months |
Sixth month of Shawna's life -
To help brush mommy and daddy's teeth
Army crawl
Christmas tree cutting 11/29
First time meeting mommy's family!!
Tooth! 12/25 Bottom middle
Christmas 12/25
Seventh month of Shawna's life -
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Seven months |
Shake sprinkle container, suck thumb while sticking out tongue, fake cough to get attention, give kisses, sing, and take baths
Doesn't like:
Car rides
Pull herself up from sitting to standing
Go from her belly to sitting up when pushing on mommy's leg
New Year's Party (and sparkling grape juice!)
Taste of mint chip ice cream 1/25
Another tooth! 12/27 Bo
Laughs when daddy blows his nose
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Eight months |
Likes to:
Dance, talk, watch ducks and geese outside, kneel, open up the kitchen cabinets
Doesn't like:
Diaper changes
Say, "uh oh"
Stand alone for a few seconds
Trip to Aldi
Bath in real bathtub
Ninth month of Shawna's life -
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Nine months |
To laugh randomly
Crawl up stairs (not down!)
Wave "hi" and "bye"
Point to stuff - especially when it has to do with "outside"
Bowling 3/01
Steps 3/24
Third tooth cut 3/15 upper middle right
Fourth tooth cut 3/22 upper right canine
Tenth month of Shawna's life -
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Ten months |
Doesn't like:
Stuffed animals
Turn light switches of
Picture with the Easter Bunny (and got scared)
Fifth tooth cut 3/30 upper middle left
Sixth tooth cut 3/31 upper left canine
Naps less than mommy would like ;)
The end :)
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